Practise Areas in Turkey
Contract Law
There is freedom of contract in Turkish law. The parties to the contract are allowed to structure the agreement how they see fit. Contracts can be oral or written. Yet, no term may contradict the mandatory elements of the statute. There are limits to contract freedom as well. Contrary to personal rights, morals, and legal norms, invalid contracts are those that contain infringing clauses. In Turkish law, there is no separate body of law known as contract law. Although there is no branch of law devoted to contract law, contracts are mentioned in every branch. There are numerous provisions regarding contract terms, outcomes, and sanctions.
Contract law in Turkey permits the enforcement of penal terms, which are difficult to implement in a number of legal systems. Thus, it is crucial that contracts governed by Turkish law be thoroughly and expertly examined.
In various areas of contract law (loan, property purchase and sale, leasing, project finance, venture or debt contracts, royalty, licence, patent, franchise, receivable-debt structuring, reconciliation protocol, company formation, establishment of articles of incorporation, etc.), Dogus Law provides legal assistance in the drafting, reviewing, editing, writing, signing, and execution processes.